Contract Surety Bonds

A national, full-service surety Managing General Underwriter, Allstar Surety helps you satisfy the needs of your clients with a complete range of Surety bonds – ranging from bid bonds, performance bonds and payment bonds to maintenance bonds and supply bonds. Our line of construction bonds also extends to license bonds & permit bonds as well as wage & welfare bonds for our bonded contractors. We can also offer solutions for site improvement & subdivision bonds.

All of our contract surety markets are A.M. Best-rated and U.S. Treasury-listed. Allstar has full underwriting authority and offers flexible rates and commissions backed by superior service.

Let Allstar be your preferred contract surety bond source.

SBA Surety Bond Guarantee

Allstar has the tools to get your contractors bonded! We are partnered with the SBA through the surety bond guarantee program.

  • Does your contractor have credit issues?
  • Are they ready to leave the past in the history books?
  • Have they been declined by another surety?

With the SBA QuickApp for Jobs Up to $400,000, there is minimal paperwork, and decisions can be made quickly! No financial statements are required. Let Allstar submit all the paperwork for you to the SBA. We can look at larger SBA bonds as well.

Looking for a streamlined bond option? Check out our Emerging Contractors Program.

This program offers the perfect solution for your contractor’s small bond needs. Benefits include quick and flexible approval process and solutions for high-risk, hard-to-place, and adverse financial programs that make it easy to bond your contractor clients.

  • Deal with the decision maker
  • Full underwriting authority = quick turnaround
  • Flexible rates and commissions

Emerging Contractor's Application